Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Glory Speak (EP08)

I gave you a challenge this week…just before you begin your day, in your quiet time, or just before bed, maybe when you can’t sleep…consider singing these words of praise to God: 

“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

Praise Him, all creatures here below.

Praise Him, above ye Heavenly Host.

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!"

In the Greek “doxa” means honor or glory. And “logia” is language or speak. So doxology literally means “glory speak.” We speak the glory of God. A doxology is what you say or do to praise God. As Spurgeon said, our lives should be “a living doxology.” It’s not just about our words but also our actions, what we do to give God glory.

If a doxology is what you do to praise God then work is a doxology; the way you speak is a doxology; the way you love others is a doxology; your creativity can be a doxology; the way you raise your kids is a doxology. So let's make sure we do it biblically. Let’s make sure we’re not just going through the motions, but we're putting our whole heart and our whole life lived for the glory of Christ into the things we do. Have a great week everyone!

This is a little different version of "The Doxology" done by Bob Kauflin (one of my favorite modern worship leaders) and Sovereign Grace Ministries... 

Here is a very modern take on "The Doxology" done by Bethel Church...

A beautiful acapella version by Anthem Lights (ft. Selah)...

"The Doxology" by Maverick City Music in a spontaneous worship moment...

Glory Speak (EP08)

I gave you a challenge this week…just before you begin your day, in your quiet time, or just before bed, maybe when you can’t sleep…consider...